Dipping a crisp, golden spear into ketchup, I gasped. "What is that flavor? What's on these fries?"
"I dunno," Joaquin mawed through a mouthful, "But that's amazing."
"I taste cumin and chili and mustard and salt and I see parsley. What is going on here? This is so good!"
We called over a server and begged to know what crack-a-licious flavor had been mysteriously sprinkled on the fries.
"Salt, pepper and parsley," he grunted, uninspiringly.
"No! There's something else. What is it?" I pleaded.
"Nothing. Except you're using the curry ketchup."
AHHHH! Curry Ketchup, a condiment I had to make for an episode of Private Chefs of Beverly Hills and railed against at the time, was creating a mouth sensation. Of course. How did I not taste it? Cumin, mustard, chili; all elements of curry powder along with coriander and tumeric.
I snapped a golden spear in half, popping one side into my mouth plain (crushy, salty and good) and dredged the another through the red sea of scrumptiousness on the side of the plate (spicy, sultry, addictive). Curry ketchup, people, look into it. It reminded me of the days when I used to live for McDonald's fries dipped in their apricot orange Sweet & Sour sauce.
Beer floats be damned, I would happily take a bath in Golden State's curry ketchup.
Golden State
426 N. Fairfax St.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
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